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If you're a new business owner, you might be wondering, "Do I really need an employee handbook?" And you're not alone. The short answer is yes. An employee handbook might feel like just another thing on your to-do list but it's actually a fundamental tool for ...
Most business owners don’t encourage their employees to use Paid Family Leave because they’re worried it will cost them. After reading this article, you’ll know why you should let your employees take advantage of it.
Are businesses required to provide their employees with paid time off (PTO)? The answer is… Maybe. And by the end of this article, you’ll know the options businesses have for tracking employee PTO, the different approaches to categorizing time off, and how you...
Every business has its own way of keeping employee records, and saving them is some type of HR management system. The problem with this is that the traditional methods of handling HR management, such as relying on paper-based records, filing cabinets, or scatt...
Employee and HR compliance have become a minefield where a single misstep can lead to a disaster. So the big question is, is employee and HR compliance really that big of a deal? The short answer is… yes!
Unsure what the IT-2104 form is? Don't worry, we've got you covered. This article will tell you why it's needed and how your employees should fill it out.
Working remotely has created challenges for companies to stay compliant with payroll taxes for remote employees. Follow this checklist to stay compliant!
Frontline healthcare and mental hygiene workers are eligible for a new bonus program to help compensate them financially for their efforts during Covid.
Scams are more sophisticated than ever, and small business owners are susceptible. Learn how to spot them before they become a bigger problem.
The spread of hours pay rule in New York is unique to the area. Learn the ins and outs here in a New York minute.
For your company to transition to the future, it is vital you know how to set employee expectations for remote work.
The NY UI IAS 2022 (Interest Assessment Surcharge) is due for New York State business owners. Read this to make sure you’re compliant.
Not sure how to handle employees with jury duty, voter leave, and/or military leave in NYC? Don’t sweat it, we’ve got you covered.
Onboarding employees and having trouble telling an IT-2104 from a W4, or frankly, a hole in the ground? Let us take you through the process step by step.
The NYC Salary Range Transparency Law Intro 134 mandates that jobs paid an hourly wage, or an annual salary must disclose the minimum and maximum paid salary.
On March 17, 2022, N.Y. ended the COVID-19 HERO Act requiring private-sector employers to implement workplace measures designed to combat airborne transmission.
The MCTMT applies to your business if you’re withholding New York State income tax from wages and your payroll expenses exceed $312,500 in any quarter.
Failing to report new hires, including 1099 contractors in New York State within 20 calendar days could cost your business thousands of dollars in penalties.
Learn what your business must do to stay compliant with New York State Notice of Pay Rate Labor Laws, and how to fill out forms LS 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, and 59.
New York State Governor Hochul signs legislation requiring employees to be automatically signed up for the New York State Secure Choice Savings Program.
Especially in New York, you should update your handbook every year with all the new employment laws and changes.
Most NY Business Owners Have No Idea You Must Give Employees Paid Sick Time. What are the rules?
You must classify your employees correctly as exempt or non-exempt from overtime. Unfortunately, it's not as simple as deciding to make them hourly or salaried.
An Employee Handbook is Critical to Your New York Business. Here's Why You Need One
A new law took effect that requires most New York companies to provide paid sick leave to employees. Let Baron help you comply in a way that saves you money.
Even if you're operating your business in all the right ways, New York business owners are still at risk. The DOL has vast resources to investigate you.
Don't fall prey to a direct deposit diversion scam. Learn about the mistakes other New York businesses made and implement these best practices now.